Tuesday, January 26, 2010

All for the Glory of the Lord

I want to sit and write and tell you all about what's going on right now. But the motivation and time is severely lacking these days. I'll give you what I can right now and the rest will come when it needs to.
It turns out preparing my house to be sold is harder than I thought. I find the task daunting and stressful. I would love for it to be over. I realize that had we been better at maintaing our house all of this work wouldn't be necessary. I can't go back now, I can't change who we were/are. All I can do is resolve to change my ways. I can say that I intend to not put things off anymore. I will not let the cleaning go. When I let it go the mess only gets bigger and harder to clean. Broken things need to be fixed. When left over time they get more broken and more difficult to fix. I have learned the hard way that laziness is bad. I pray with the Lords help, that I can overcome my laziness and not let this happen again.
That said. I am overwhelmed. I am stressed. Not all of the work we have to do is a result of laziness. It's general maintenance. It's caring more about things that don't normally bother me. I am not one to have a spotless house. I do keep it fairly clean, but I am not a meticulous person. For example, I don't clean under beds, I don't go between couch cushions for dirt. I don't touch the curtains. I know people who do those things as their regular cleaning routines. I don't. I know there is dirt and dust there, but it doesn't irk me enough to brake my back going after it. I'm more of a spot cleaner. I try to vacuum once a week. I sweep daily. I dust when my furniture changes from black to white. I clean windows in the spring (or when I notice the finger smears). But I don't spend every waking minute of my day cleaning or maintaing. I take time out for me. Some days I take too much time (a fault I am working on), most days I think I do all right.

Now on for a recent discovery. Two weeks ago I was painting the wall leading up the steps. I chose a deep red to contrast the brown trim and tan walls. This red proved to be quite the challenge. It was streaking and not going on the wall cleanly. I was getting tired and crabby and my confidence in getting it to look good was slipping. So I started to say to my self: All for the glory of the Lord. Mantra style I kept repeating it. It helped. I reminded myself over and over again that this isn't just for me.
It has a nice kick to it, say it with attitude: all for the glory of the Lord.
punch each word out.
I'm telling you it's a good way to bring yourself back.
I don't want to be painting or cleaning, or any of this other stuff. But I do it. All. for. the. glory. of the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. the moving process is overwhelming and all i can say is it's all worth it when it's over and you're in your new house. you just have to keep the faith. one thing that really helped me was focusing more on what i'd accomplished rather than all i had still to do. i've made a lot of the same resolutions you are after we moved regarding clutter and going through closets, cabinets, etc. good luck!
