Tuesday, August 10, 2010

It's all about me.

. for a moment.

I use twitter. I use facebook. I update fairly regularly. Recently I have slowed down. Maybe because I am busy. But more so because I am sick of reading other peoples constant complaints and the extreme highs and lows.

Right now I want to complain. I'm not going to do it on FB I'm gonna do it here.
I'm 98% sure that I have poison ivy. I am 99.9% sure that this is the first time I have ever had it. It hurts, it stings, it itches like nothing I could have ever imagined. It is making me paranoid. Like a fool I read all about it and now am worried that the toxic oils are everywhere. I'm worried because every day I wake up with more red spots. I have already changed the sheets once since the breakout and am going to change them a second time today. The first spots appeared about a week and half ago.
My entire left arm is an angry, puffy red.

I'm contemplating a visit to the dr, but to what end? What can he do for me? Mainly I want to confirm what I already know... Paul doesn't think it's necessary and a large part of me agrees with him. But in the early morning hours when I wake up with more breakouts I want to jump in the car and ask for an immediate cure. Because my research says I could suffer like this for weeks.

So I am miserably itchy. There. i said it.

1 comment:

  1. definitely go to the dr. chris got poison ivy one time so badly his eyes swelled. the dr can give you meds to take orally that will get it under control. plus different forms of poison need different treatment. ivy dry works really good too. feel better!
