Friday, September 2, 2011

holy cow.

Hello September.

What the hell happened to August?!?

We went on vacation to Myrtle Beach and had so much fun.

We came back from a great family week to madness. Paul flew out to Hawaii and back (which isn't as great as it sounds, well Hawaii is apparently great, but his trip was not). My garden was in full bloom. It was harvest time.

We have been eating fresh tomato and peppers with our salads. I have so far canned 7 quarts of tomatoes, 10 8oz jars of bruchetta, and 5 pints of relish. I also have 1 8oz container of pesto sauce in the freezer. Today I have to can more tomatoes. It's a fair amount of work but it's worth it to have home grown food.

August was also filled with back to school shopping and the first day of school.

The first week went well. I definitely had some tired and sensitive kids by the end of the week. I'm grateful now for this four day weekend. 

You would think that getting the kids out of the house would free me up, but it hasn't yet. I don't exactly expect for me to get bored. There is always something for me to do. This week I have been preparing for a big consginment sale. You can read about it here. I have dug through every bin of clothing. My living room has bins everywhere. It will be a while before I get everything back in order again. 

I have piles ready to go straight to donation. A pile that goes to one friend. A pile that goes to another friend. A pile that goes to storage until the spring sale. A pile that goes into storage until the kids can wear it. And lastly the pile that is tagged and ready for the fall sale. Lot's of piles, lots of bins, but it's all going somewhere and most of it is leaving the house. 

I also don't plan on being home all year. I have been interviewing for jobs. I am confident that something will come down the pike that is right for me. Something that offers the flexibility I need and the opportunities I crave. 

Well for now I will marvel that it is September. My kids first cross-country race is this weekend. The second week of school is only four days away. So many new and exciting experiences are coming our way. 


  1. I'm so jealous of your garden! What do you make with the canned goods, specially the tomatoes?

    It feels so good to get rid of clothes/items that we don't need. I mostly done with our clothing, but I still have a few toys/items to list on Craigslist. Can't wait to hear how much money you end up making.

  2. The tomatoes get used to make gravy (sauce) throughout the winter. I do what's called a raw-packed method so really I use them in whatever recipe that calls for the tomatoes I have.
    I did try to make tomato paste, but it didn't come out right. So I may try that one again but not this year. Tomato paste takes several hours. And I don't have that kind of time anymore.

  3. We're headed to myrtle beach this month and can't wait. I should be better about consigning...I usually end up just taking stuff to goodwill. Any tips?


  4. My kids just started school too. As u say yet cant find free time.
