Monday, March 28, 2011

8 days.

I went to the neurologist on March 3 to deal with my headaches. Starting at the end of December I had been experiencing headaches of varying degrees of intensity non-stop. Most of January and February are lost in drug induced hazes. Never getting better and only suffering from vicious side-effects of each new medication that my doctor wanted me to try. I spent several weeks hardly able to move from the couch. I slipped into depression (thanks to the medication). I stayed as quiet as I could in cyber land conscious of being a complainer. I waited it out as best I could. Told my doctor what he needed to hear and eventually got my appointment with the neurologist. 
I came home from the neurologist cautiously optimistic. I was put on a less intense medication meant to treat a different type of headache (my primary doc had been treating me for migraines, the head doc wanted to treat it like a tension headache). I was told to chart my headaches. Take the meds and some vitamins and come back in  a month. 
It's March 28. I go to the doctor next week and so far I only have 8 non-consequtive days without a headache. I guess I could be concerned. But I am more determined to just find an end to it. The headache did break for a few days after the initial treatment, but they are still coming back. 
On the plus side I no longer feel like a zombified version of myself. Unless I supass a 6 on the ouch scale (which doesn't happen too often), I can still function and get things done. I just have a nagging discomfort pulsating behind the eyes, or at the base of my skull (depending on the day I'm having). The dizziness is gone. The lethargy has left too. It's just these darn headaches. 
I joke that most days I feel like I'm in my 1st trimester of pregnancy (which I am NOT), run-down, tired, and a little bit off (luckily no sickish belly). 

Well April is the end of this week and I am more than ready for this month to be over. I am ready for more sunshiny days. I find it amusing that I always feel better when it's sunny. The doctor even recommended getting out in the sun for a few minutes each day. I am loving forward to starting my gardening and I will find a way to get it done. 

Here's to feeling better!


  1. That stinks! I don't know how you do it! This is really dumb, but do you have glasses or have you gotten your vision checked lately? In college I began having constant headaches and it turned out I needed glasses. I was straining my eyes and giving myself headaches from it. Just persist with trying everything and seeing doctors and eventually you'll have to get some answers.

  2. Good for you for advocating for yourself! You know your body well, so don't give up until you find a doc to give you answers/find something that works. I switched GYN practices because I was unahppy with my current one. It costs a little more money, but the change is worth the extra cost. I hope they find something that works for you!
