Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A Birthday Celebration

On Monday, my boy Stephen turned 5. And he was a happy camper. It was the event he has waited all summer for and now that it's past he cannot be more excited. The first year that he understood what was up was the year he turned 3. Catherine had her 5th birthday in May, followed by David, Joshua and me in June, and Paul's in July.
We are not big spenders here and we almost never buy things just to have them. So when birthdays come around it's sort of a big deal. You get stuff that's fun. We spoil our kids on their birthdays, because that is the one time that we will buy things they don't need but want.
So there was Stephen 2 1/2 years old watching one by one the people in his family getting spoiled. New toys in shiny paper to unwrap. After each birthday he would ask "Where's my happy birthday?" Now he knows we have to celebrate everyone else's birthday first, before we can get to his. So each spring he starts the countdown. First, Catherine...

The best part is that Stephen is genuinely excited for everyone's birthday. Part of it is because it gets him closer to his own day. The other part is that he loves all the new things that come into the house (and because they are all so close in age they all share in the same likes). So this summer was as much fun as it could be with the celebration of each birthday all leading up to Monday.
This time we started on Sunday with the family party. My sister made an impressive pirate cake.
And it rained making our grilling menu all the more challenging. But Paul prevailed and pitched the tent and grilled in the rain. The kids ran around and Stephen shouted with excitement over each and every gift. Not one gift was disappointing to him. He shouts and shows off every little thing he gets.
We bought Stephen his first two-wheeler this year a week before, and in the breaks of rain he took it out to show his grandparents. On Monday we had some pizza and leftover cake. Stephen got a few more small gifts from his siblings. All in all it was a great celebration.

On Tuesday Stephen came downstairs and right away pointed out that his birthday is over. It's time to take down the banner. Indeed it's time to take it down and pack it away until May.

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