Monday, February 28, 2011

up coming project.

So, I'm not a photo blogger. In case you haven't noticed. But today I am going to post some photo's to showcase a project that is coming up.
In May Catherine will be receiving First Holy Communion. I decided to help make this special occasion even more special I would use my wedding dress as the fabric for her Communion dress.
If I had more than one girl I would hesitate to do this, only because I would worry about whether I would be able to hand it down or not (you never know how sizes can match up). But she is my one and only girl (and God-willing will always be that way), so I felt like I could do this.
I never felt a real attachment to my wedding dress. I would have given it away a long time ago, but I never got around to it. For me it's just a dress, yes a dress from the most important day of my life. BUT Paul and I focused so much of our Wedding planning on the actual marriage part of it, that nothing else ever really mattered. Including the dress. I loved that dress, it was and still is totally me. It's modest, and simple it was everything I wanted it to be. But for the last 8 years the dress has been sitting in a box on the top of a closet collecting dust in my parents house.
Really, it's just a dress. Now I can do something special with it. I can in a way pass it on to my daughter and make it something special . And when my mom is done making the dress I will box what is left of the dress and save what I can for future sewing projects.
So before the cutting and ripping begins here's one last look at my wedding dress:

1 comment:

  1. That's a really neat idea. We felt the same way about our wedding, that focusing on the actual marriage part of things was most important. I'm planning on my Mom (hopefully) tuning my gown into a baptismal gown for our kids someday.
