Friday, November 4, 2011

i know you miss me.

Well, I did it. I let blogging take a backseat. To, well, everything.

My last post was September 16.

Here's a disjointed brain vomit of what has happened since then.

Since then I have dove head-long into the world of working mom. The fall was/is pure insanity. Things are finally mellowing out with the sports season coming to an end.

There has been a lot of adjusting and a lot of eye-opening in the last month and half. Honestly it feels so far away. I can't believe that it's been only a month and a half.

I work 4 days a week and my schedule is inconsistent from day to day but week to week it's mostly the same. Each of the four days my hours are different and my location is different. It's taken me these last 8 weeks to really wrap my head around the ever changing days.

I'm learning that I need to take in more caffeine. I was a one cup a tea a day kind of person, but I find I need more just to get through the day. I don't know how else to keep my energy up and not pass out by 8am.

Thankfully the kids have adjusted beautifully to a working mom. For the most part it doesn't really affect them that much. They spend their days in beautiful ignorance of what I am doing and where. What they have noticed is my lack of presence at their school. Last year I stepped up big time and was volunteering twice a week. This year I am very rarely there.

The nice thing is that what my daughter really wants is to see me come to school masses. Those happen every Friday. Which happens to be my day off. I have been to two so far. :/

Some of our survival skills that were employed when the twins were born have really come back to good use. For a while there we were running to early evening practices four nights a week. Being big on the family meal we had to do some creative menu planning. Much like when the kids were babies we have made a lot of freezer meals to pull out on those nights where there's no time to cook. (A new favorite is taco pockets) (A book I recommend: Don't Panic Dinner is In the Freezer). We've been big menu planners for years. Every week we sit down and hammer out what we are going to eat for the week. This cuts out the "What are we eating for dinner?" problem.

In general we are doing good. Life is crazy. We have done a lot but I lack the time to tell you all about it.

Perhaps later this weekend. I'll get to some photo blogging. 

1 comment:

  1. glad you're back! i was wondering how the transition to work has been going. i'm going to check out that book. i always wait till i'm at the grocery store to plan meals :(
