Friday, June 17, 2011

summer vacation.

This week was our first week of summer vacation. And I am loving the break. We haven't been out of bed before 7:30 all week (sorry this doesn't include Paul).
Most mornings haven't even started until 8:00am I know for those of you who don't have kids that's not late, but early. But most parents know that is a small miracle.
My four kids are an independent breed. They do not require my immediate attention. What does this mean? It means I can get up when I am ready to and take my shower and come down when I am ready. Regardless of what time my kids get up (within reason that is). My children will get up on their own, get dressed on their own and go to the play room to watch tv (locked on PBS for now), or play until I am ready. This makes mornings awesome. I can come down without feeling rushed and get breakfast going with little chaos.
Since vacation has started I have worked on a few routines with the kids. They are now more helpful then ever getting things out for breakfast. Putting out the juice and cups, and clearing their dishes properly when done. I also now have all four of them emptying the clean dishes from the dishwasher. (I have them work in pairs, everything they can't reach gets neatly stacked on the counter for me to take care of)
This week was a packed week of excitement. Monday was Catherine's yearly check-up (okay that wasn't exciting). Tuesday we took the kids to a baseball game. Wednesday we watched Stephen's t-ball game. Thursday we went to the Philadelphia zoo. Today is Friday, we wen't to the fabric store to pick up supplies for my next sewing adventure.
In between all that I am getting more time in at the gym. I swear if I would stop snacking I would lose the weight that I need to. I seem to keep the same weight all the time and I know it's because I work-out that I don't gain weight, but I don't lose any because I haven't changed my eating habits enough.
This weekend should be fun, we have so much cleaning up in the yard to do in time for Father's Day and the twins 5th birthday celebration. Next week will be filled with VBS activities as well as another baseball game, a dentist appointment, and a girlscout camping event.
It feels like it's a lot of running but it really isn't. In order to stave the boredom I try to fill my days with activities, but never more than one thing at a time.
For example.
Monday - gym and any needed errands. We are usually home by noon and tend not to go back out. After lunch I kick them out to play and then they come in and if all chores are done then they can have computer/wii/movie time. After dinner it's outside to play until bed-time.
Tuesdays - gym then library visit.
Wednesdays will most likely become the days we go to the free movies at the Rave.

My favorite thing about summer is that there is no real schedule. We can always change plans and do whatever we feel like doing. My kids are becoming more and more flexible as they get older. I am truly enjoying the season of life. 


  1. I'm jealous! My kids are up at 7am on the dot, no matter how late they go to bed. This was the 1st week I didn't have work and it was a little tough. I found I need to stick to their routine. They are just too little to switch anything up.

    I'm excited for Christopher to do soccer camp and the rest of our days we hit up the park and library. Still looking for more to do. They are super active and will get into everything if I don't have stuff planned.

    Random question: Do you do separate cakes/sing separate for the twins b-day or not? How does all that work with two? My twin brothers get one cake and one song :0 Both get a gift though. They are a little older (8 yr), but they are used to it since it's been that way.

  2. It took us until last year before our kids started sleeping in. On the flip side they don't go to bed at 7pm in the summer anymore it's more like 8-8:30 which is harder on us because we lose an hour of alone time.

    We do seperate the twins cakes but sing one song. We let them each pick what kind of cake they want. This year they both want vanilla but David wants red poka-dots and Josh wants a big smiley face. So we will make two cakes for them. We also let the kids each have their own birthday dinner (they get to pick what we eat for dinner). Josh wants grilled cheese and David wants hot dog on a stick. So we will have two different birthday dinners on two different nights.
